Yellow Tulip


Written by Jo Dee

You are not allowed to copy or print this tutorial, nor to place it on a web site.

You may print one copy for your use and your family’s use.

You may link to this tutorial.

You are not allowed to distribute my Yellow Tulip tube, however you may use it for your own personal, non-commercial use, as long as it is not used in an inappropriate manner (such as pornography, hate, etc.)

You may use your results as you see fit as long as it is not used in an inappropriate manner (such as pornography, hate, etc.)

This lesson and the Yellow Tulip tube is copyrighted to

Paint Shop Pro – I used version X, but 9, and newer versions should also work.
My Yellow Tulip tube, drawn by me (version 9 tube.)
Visman (VM) Filters (VM Toolbox, Zoom Blur, to be specific.)


Place the Yellow Tulip tube in your tube directory.
Place the Visman Filter in your Plug-ins directory.
Remember to save often.

1. Open a new canvas. I used 300 x 300 for mine.

2. If you wish, you may flood fill your canvas with a dark color so you can see what is going on. You may change it later if desired.

3. Add a new Raster Layer and name it Tulip.

4. Place the Yellow Tulip tube on this layer and move it to the lower left portion of the canvas:


5. Duplicate this layer.

6. Return to the original Tulip Layer and Mirror this layer.

7. Perform a Radial Blur on this layer. Adjust, Blur, Radial Blur, with the following settings:



8. Perform a Fine Leather texture on this layer. Effects, Texture Effects, Fine Leather, with the following settings:


9. Perform a Zoom Blur on this layer. Effects, Plug-ins, VM Toolbox, Zoom Blur, with the default settings:


10. Perform an Offset on this layer. Effects, Image Effects, Offset, with these settings:


11. Go to the Duplicate Tulip layer and add a Drop Shadow. Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, with the following settings:


12. Return to your first layer and Flood Fill with the color you prefer for your background (I used white.)


13. If desired, you may go to the top layer, add a New Layer, then add a Picture Frame (Image, Picture Frame.)
I used Edge Circles 02, but you may choose the one you prefer, or leave as is.

You’re all done, but you can add your name, or other text, if you wish. Hope you enjoyed doing my tutorial. I had fun writing it.